From the Hearts of Heroes
TFS is a 501c3 nonprofit that was created as a way to say thank you and honor the selfless sacrifices our veterans, first responders, and their families make on a daily basis.
The daily realities of these jobs can affect the health and wellness of each, as they face a constant need to be vigilant, long hours, shift work, exposure to the daily tragedies of life, and regular interaction with people who are in crisis or hostile towards them. The health, safety, and overall well-being of these brave men, women, and their families is the priority. They should NEVER be left with a bill, or have to choose between caring for the needs of their families vs. choosing care and treatment. We are excited to share ways in which you can get involved and say THANK YOU for serving our communities and country.
If you would like to learn ways you can support this cause, please click the TFS icon above and subscribe to our announcements.
You can also contact our Executive Director Chad Sorrow at ​